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Hot Type – Home of Contemporary Typefaces Fran Mubrin, Marko Hrastovec

Project description
Hot Type’s creative direction makes typography the star of the show in its new website. With elegance and simplicity, the site brings authentic content and clever details together to convey the hot visual language of the studio. The site architecture is split between font presentation and web shop elements; the presentation introduces users to the studio’s design philosophy, while the web-shop enables them to easily test and purchase different fonts.
The work is not in competition for the award.
Visit websiteProject description
art direction, UX/UI design, creative direction
Fran Mubrin
typography design and creative supervision
Marko Hrastovec
Guido Ferreyra (Web Developer (Type CMS)); Zoran Završki (Front-End Developer); Krešimir Bobaš (UX Writer); Filip Vujčić ( Motion Design (Lottie)); Nikola Zelmanović (photography); nji3, Josipa Tadić, Filip Pomykalo, Appear___offline (Font Family Artworks)
Hot Type, Zagreb

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