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Centre for Designing Everyday Life Marija Juza, Bernarda Cesar, Sara Pavleković Preis
Project description
Design of the visual identity of the project the Centre for Designing Everyday Life puts in the foreground the construction of the project activities and the possibilities that open up within it. The Centre is conceived as a non-place that is slowly growing into a place via participatory policy, i.e. a transdisciplinary approach. It acquires the outlines of identity in the making, in imaginary projections. Within itself the identity establishes a dialogue with different building elements and, adhering to the principles of open design, it includes in advance the inflows and flows of information, i.e. future changes, interactions, interventions and adaptations for different contents.
Project description
Marija Juza, Bernarda Cesar, Sara Pavleković Preis
Croatian Designers Association, Zagreb
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