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Latini Studio Tumpić/Prenc
Project description
A plaid shirt motif on the label evokes the dynamic of Istrian history and the Croats from central Istria working for Italian landowners near the coast. Tone, an ancestor of the Latini Olive Oil brand founders, worked the land for Istrian Italians, commonly referred to as Latins during the late 19th century. One day, he received a plaid shirt as payment from his employers, a then-unusual sight in his hometown. It was this exact shirt that earned him and his family the nickname Latini, and it remains so to this day. Therefore the bottle was dressed up in plaid pattern with a pocket, into which a paper tag detailing the hundred-year-old family story is placed.
Project description
Studio Tumpić/Prenc
creative and art direction
Anselmo Tumpić
account direction
Sara Prenc Opačić
graphic design
Anton Licul Grk
Latini taste local, Svetvinčenat
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